Monthly Archives: November 2019

Reflections on VIE


We stepped into the open gash of the Vietnam War Memorial; a somber, sacred space with 58,320 names etched in long triangles of reflective black granite. I had some friends who fought in Vietnam but, thankfully, none of their names are on the wall. Still, we stood there in silence reading names of men we did [...]

Reflections on VIE2019-11-19T21:56:53-06:00

School Districts Coerce Students and Teachers to Improve Vaccination Rates


School Districts Coerce Students and Teachers to Improve Vaccination Rates November 6, 2019 DENVER— The Colorado Sun and Fox31 ran stories about Littleton, Boulder Valley, and Brighton school districts making plans to exclude students who are non-compliant with Colorado’s immunization laws, unfortunately neither media outlet emphasized that parents who choose not to vaccinate their children simply [...]

School Districts Coerce Students and Teachers to Improve Vaccination Rates2021-10-14T21:11:42-06:00