Surely our government regulatory agencies, so concerned about our health, would want us to know how and where to alert them about problems with vaccines, right? Why does the majority of doctors not know about VAERS or the VICP?  Why are they not required to report any and all adverse events, including death, after administering vaccinations?  Why are they not required to inform parents and all vaccine recipients about VAERS and the VICP?  Why are they loathe to properly inform about, recognize, acknowledge, admit, report, and treat vaccine-induced injuries and deaths?  Why after someone is vaccine injured or vaccine killed is there absolutely no follow up from any government agency to determine what happened so that it can be prevented in the future? Answer: The complete and utter lack of monitoring vaccines post-licensure and post-marketing is purposeful. It is intentional. Our government regulatory agencies, in tight cahoots with pharmaceutical companies and their paid lobbyists, and with the willing compliance of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and their associated trade industry groups, choose to turn a blind eye to vaccine-induced injuries and deaths. They choose to keep well-hidden the vaccine adverse events reporting system and the vaccine injury and death compensation program. These various entities, groups, and individuals are complicit in refusing to seek out, become informed about, acknowledge, admit, or allow anything that will undermine the public’s trust in vaccines and jeopardize the vaccine profits from which they all profit handsomely, to the tune of billions of dollars per year.